This solution article will explain how to set-up the printer as a 'Custom FFF printer' in Cura. Cura is a free slicer that can be used on your computer. This tutorial is compatible with Cura 4.5 and possible newer. 

Step 1: Download Cura Download link

Step 2: Add a printer and choose "Custom" and then "Custom FFF printer"

Step 3: Please fill in the parameters listed below.

Leapfrog  Xeed


X (Width): 220mm

Y (Depth): 280mm

Z (Height): 230mm

Build plate shape: Rectangular

Origin at center: Disabled

Heated bed: Enabled

Heated build volume: Disabled

G-code flavor: Marlin

Printhead Settings

X min: -60mm

Y min: -30mm

X max: 60xmm

Y max: 80mm

Gantry Height: 2mm

Number of Extruders: 2
Shared Heater: Disabled

Start G-code Left Extruder (T1)


G28 Y0 F600

G28 X0 F600

G28 Z0 F600

T1 ; switch to back extruder

G1 Z0.2 ; raise nozzle

G92 E0 ; zero extruder

G1 E3 F225 ; purge nozzle

G1 Y200 Z0.05 F1200 ; slow wipe

G1 Y195 Z0.25 ; lift

G92 E0 ; zero extruder again

Start G-code Right Extruder (T0)


G28 Y0 F600

G28 X0 F600

G28 Z0 F600

T0 ; switch to front extruder

G1 Z0.2 ; raise nozzle

G92 E0 ; zero extruder

G1 E3 F225 ; purge nozzle

G1 Y200 Z0.05 F1200 ; slow wipe

G1 Y195 Z0.25 ; lift

G92 E0 ; zero extruder again

End G-code

M104 S0 T0 ; turn off front extruder

M104 S0 T1 ; turn off back extruder

M140 S0 T0 ; turn off heated chamber

G1 Z250 F1200 ; drop bed

G28 X0 ; home X axis

M84 ; disable motors

Extruder 1

Nozzle size: 0.35mm (standard)

Compatible material diameter: 1.75mm

Nozzle offset X: 0mm

Nozzle offset Y: 0mm

Cooling Fan Number: 0

Extruder 2

Nozzle size: 0.35mm  (standard)

Compatible material diameter: 1.75mm

Nozzle offset X: 0mm

Nozzle offset Y: 0mm

Cooling Fan Number: 0